
Showing posts from August, 2014

Prenatal yoga, a positive mindset and pregnancy A new mother’s version-II

Pregnancy is one of the most delicate times of a woman’s life. It can be utterly positive though a touch of anxiety, stress and even a slight negativity may creep in. ‘Handle with care’ is the mantra a woman has to stick to all nine months. An expectant mother has to be extra careful as her mindset and every physical activity even breath affect the little life in the womb.  Hence, staying positive is necessary for the comprehensive growth of the fetus. All said and done, we cannot be positive all the time. Changing hormone levels can cause mood swings, nausea, and insomnia to an extent, which may end up physically straining and mentally stressing. Again, keeping an expectant mother happy is equally the responsibility of family, yet,  it all depends on how a woman takes it.  Besides,  advices, at times even unsolicited, pour in from every quarter and a carrying lady can be totally lost in the midst a long list of dos and don’ts. Drawing a thin line between li...

A New Mother’s Version

A New Mother’s Version I was all the more enthusiastic and energetic when I resumed work after maternity break. Robust energy levels could be a little surprising to the rest as many expected the baby to be an integral and the most happening part of the life. However, I was keen to bounce back to the prenatal activities in-tandem with the little one. I was just trying to brace up to the challenges that new motherhood naturally unfolded trying to match the pace with things I was paced out in the past three months. This ‘remarkable’ enthusiasm may evoke mixed responses with many reacting ‘You can take it easy and need not rush to ‘bounce back.”  Though everyone has different opinions about how early new mothers should resume their prenatal activities, to me it’s absolutely not the question. It’s been over six months a lot of energy was flowing, I am back to routine and yet, I am basking in the glory of new motherhood after another nine months later baby’s birth... I might be wa...