Art of doing nothing
Sitting at home on a working day was an unusual experience as I would barely plan my holidays without a ‘to-do’ list. Reading, study-material or writing would generally top my priority list followed by some house-cleaning or wardrobe arrangements in a descending order. My newborn daughter suddenly climbed up the top of the list for all valid reasons for a year. After a year, a stage gradually came where I could get back to my ‘to-do’ things minding her simultaneously. Yet, the last week it turned out to be an unusual holiday without such a list. What stopped me from making the ‘to-do’ list was the potential that my little daughter developed to throw all plans out of gear. I had taken similar experiences on weekends. I would allocate some works to myself during the time she would fall asleep and she would never sleep or get up earlier than expected. Oh, my ‘bitter’ memories of baby scattering all the unclear stuff and adding to my agonies were fresh. Hence last weekend, my ‘to-do’ l...