A small sip

Sheer look can get you hooked! Though it holds true everywhere, we are talking about nicely displayed delectable delicacies. Mouthwatering dishes tempt you and it’s a temptation you would barley want to resist. Otherwise, why would Oscar Wilde say, ‘I can resist everything except temptation’? Of course, there are a few folks who are trying to resist everything in the enlightening enterprise called control. Thus, those who have exercised such control or mustered a greater courage of not surrendering to temptations will not be lured. More than exercising control, I am more into the natural side of the matter. Food temptation, especially dessert, comes intrinsically to me and any resistance is naturally ruled out. My love for ‘healthy’ food provides a thoughtful junk to chew along with its nutrients. Of late, my affair with smoothies lasted a little longer; rather it simply refused to die down. Smoothies! Connoisseurs know what I am talking about. A healthy beverage topped with ...