Living Alternatively: A Blog Series with Those Exploring a Different Way of Life Caught in the midst of meeting professional deadlines, family and social commitments, and securing our future emotionally and financially, most of us seem to have embraced stress and the rising insecurities of modern-day life as the new normal. However, we try to walk that thin line; balance eludes most of us as life slips through our hands. While catastrophes like limited resources, climate change, conflicts, and the sword of war hanging between countries can strike us unheralded, a minimalist life or an alternative way of living seems like a myth. This new blog series seeks to interact with those who have been 'leading a different way of life.' Natural Rhythm of Life: Chitra Nandan Let's start with Chitra Nandan, a humble, unassuming person who loves to explore places, nature, and people. Self-proclaimed friend of nature, we would often mistake her simplicity and introvertedness fo...