To read or...

Never judge a book by its cover! And don’t get awestruck by a man who’s reading it!!
The other day, I happened to attend an event in a college about Vachan Prerana Din, the day that highlights the importance of reading. It is celebrated in the memory of former president late Dr Abdul Kalam. Some speeches bespoke their struggle of preparation to quote verbatim of renowned thinkers. While they were speaking, I could read their minds as their efforts of translating something into words which they had not experienced were visible. The most honest speech came from the anchor. She announced name of a girl to speak and the girl backed out. Oh, the anchor described the programme preparation process. “I asked girls who is the best speaker among you. They told each other’ names. Not one volunteered and I had to force them….” I could relate to the anchor as she was genuine and honest. Yes, in a flurry of wise words, her honest testimony stuck me because it didn’t come from the book…
After the programme, girls, during an informal interaction asked me, what’s your opinion? I was in a fix. I didn’t want to tell them that reading books changed perspectives. In the world of Internet, when everyone was armed with every sort of knowledge under the sun, could I make a tall claim that reading was the essential? When the most meritorious and learned in the county were jobless, could I talk about importan
ce of education? In the competitive age, where difference between qualified and highly qualified was that of degree and not of a kind, could I just tell them read books and it would change your life?
“I can’t read long books. Sheer size puts me off,” confided a girl. I said read twitter, short one line headlines... “What should we read?” the other girl asked. That question didn’t have a standard answer in the first place. “Read what suits your taste. But see to it that you just don’t become bookish…”
The whole incident reminded me of my boasting books and reading…I flaunted many covers with stylish philosophical names… I impressed librarians becoming the first borrower of many so called heavy titles…then came my kindle and adored it. My obsession for reading had gotten to an extent that I had taken one ‘reading vacation’…to my dismay, I had forgotten the bagful of books and kindle. The whole week doing nothing sounded like a waste of time. The very first day was not as much ordeal as I had imagined that to be. That was the best time I read a different stuff in life without books… I was reading a lot…the mountains, sylvan surroundings, the sunset… I read my own mind and a lot unfolded…thanks to forgotten kindle, it rekindled own  forgotten self.      
Of course, it doesn’t mean I stopped reading. Yes, but l learnt to read white spaces and also between the lines. A philosopher like J Krishnamurti doesn’t allow us to make any reading and theories make a reference point. Apparently illiterate mystique Ramakrishna Paramahansa offers the wisdom from the open book called life. Swami Vivekananda asks us to manifest the divinity within… and here are we, talking of books and theories…
Of course, I didn’t want to undermine importance of reading. But it must take us beyond books. An unconditioned mind could be the best gift an open book can bestow us with! Who can undermine reading if we learn to read the fine print?


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