Enriching enterprise
We often hear people saying they have changed with time. Moving on, most of us realise that time hasn’t really changed us but unfolded us more. It’s all within us. Transformation is about giving right expressions to what we have. It happens to everyone some time or the other. Extraordinary people don’t wait for time to change them. Instead, they realise their potentials and try to exploit them to fullest. No matter how intellectual one is, intellect doesn’t come to the fore unless it’s challenged. Usually, our intellects remain unexploited and inner potentials hidden, as they are not challenged. Researches have shown that commonly, human beings apply only five per cent of their brains while 95 per cent remains unused! We are often unaware as to how much our brains are exploited since most of our energy is wasted in observing others’ brain applications! Our true potential isn’t revealed to us. How would it be when we are looking more at people’s things; their sense, nonsense et al? We ...