Programmed to perceive…

Technology is making your life easier like never before. You needn’t use your ‘brains’ and ‘hearts’ too much but hands you will have to with everything available at your fingertips. You have to take the pulse if your sweetheart is upset, haven’t you? How about a device that keeps you posted? Your only job is to love and technology will take care of the rest. Such a machine for all could be a distant dream but yeah, for your baby, it will soon be reality.
Here is good news for mums and to-be mums who can receive an email from their baby asking for a nappy change, thanks to scientists who have invented a device for busy parents. The monitoring system, built into a babaygro, can send emails and text messages to parents informing them about nappy change. That’s not all; the new tool can also detect a baby’s heart rate, temperature and breathing pattern. It can be programmed to let you know if your tiny-tot is happy, sad, irritated or upset. A British daily reported that this system detects the moisture on the child’s skin, which indicates the nappy has begun to leak. The moms can be at peace when such messages are automatically sent.
From the scientific point of view, we must laud this effort. As far as research goes, it’s of a great worth. It may not be all that encouraging from an infant’s side. After all, all that baby needs is a doting mother and not a scientist mom, right?
Nothing against technology and devices, but there’s something beyond it. A good mother, no matter how busy, can make out when the baby has attended the nature’s call. She has done the needful about changing the diapers much before the device has alarmed her.
Your mom might not be as tech-savvy but I am sure you remember how much she loved you. Loving mothers perceive their tiny-tot’s mood swings. She feels the breath of a baby. Compassionate mother doesn’t handover a child to anyone, and today, though she’s busy she wouldn’t leave a child to a machine, would she? If not a family member, a-tech-savvy mother would at least appoint a maid to mind wards.
Here, it’s not the question of technological innovation or parenting. However, such discoveries throw up many questions pertaining to the new-age attitude. We don’t mean this attitude is careless or reckless, but a thought could be spared as to why do we need such things in the first place. It seems our systems have become little too automated. That’s the reason some techoholics put their hands on some sort of devices, mobile, laptop, android, I-pods, pads and so on. Waking-up early is eternally advised but I feel it’s good for machinists to sleep adequately than getting up early and surfing mails and messages.  
Besides ourselves and our family members we seem connecting ourselves to every damn thing. There are some interesting findings in the latest census data. One of the observations highlights a rising trend in joint families as compared to nuclear ones. Does it mean that family bonds are being strengthened all of a sudden? Dedicate this trend to soaring property rates; not every next person is able to buy a house for himself. It’s lack of space making people share the common space at the expense of personal space.
In a way, these are two different findings on two different corners of the globe. Some device measuring baby’s responses being invented in Britain has little to do with rising trend of families in urban India. The prior is a mark of progress and the other is an indication of returning to old values.
Why criticise and cry hoarse over degrading values? We want progress and technology as well. Let’s continue our thirst for new devices that will de-automate systems. At the end of the day, who says science and progress don’t require brains and hearts? Without brains, one can’t invent and innovate and what’s the use of a device without an able user? Like ace Formula 1 champ Michael Schumacher says it’s a combo of man and machine that does the trick. Human brain behind the machine is as much important as the advanced technology. What could be more magical than the man blending with machine? 


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